Huawei and AOI invest in artificial intelligence training

News / Huawei and AOI invest in artificial intelligence training

Huawei and AOI invest in artificial intelligence training

In Cyber security skills in the UK labour market 2021 report, it claimed that approximately 680,000 businesses (50%) have a ‘basic skills gap’ when it comes to cyber-security. With the digital push of the 21st century, it is becoming increasingly pertinent for cyber-security to follow that push. But what is the answer to bridging this gap? Cyber-security professionals think Artificial Intelligence could be the key.  

Artificial intelligence has had some over-exaggerated capabilities in mainstream media over the years, which has ultimately led to its downfall historically. However, since its launch, modern technology has now evolved to a point where it is now possible for humans and machines to collaborate. These advancements have become implemented into our day-to-day lives, in appliances such as: 

  • Smart phones 
  • Smart TV’s 
  • Smart Speakers 
  • Smart Refrigerators etc. 

But how is it going to help with cyber-security? 

Using Artificial Intelligence technology, the volume of data that can be analysed, can be increased by automating repetitive tasks, thus improving security. If utilised to its full potential, Artificial Intelligence will be able to detect more ‘security vulnerabilities and identify live threats faster than any human’. 

If this technology is out there, why aren’t we utilising it? 

Steps are being taken for this to become a reality. On Wednesday the 24th of August, Abdel-Moneim Tarras, Chairman of the Arab Organisation for Industrialisation (AOI) signed a memorandum of understanding between AOI and Huawei, with Global VP Hou Tao; the memo, outlined Huawei’s agreement to secure 20 ‘Development Board Suites’ for training in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and provide the educational materials needed for the training. This comes after President Abdel Fattah El Sisi’s directives ‘to localise technology in all fields of digital transformation training systems in ICT and AI’. Tarras explains that this training, once implemented, will help Egypt’s youths to understand and interact with current technology. 

Investors have previously been sceptical to also throw their hats in the ring for the training in Artificial Intelligence within cyber security. With it being such a specific field within cyber, it has no crossover points linking it with another. Applicants will have needed to align themselves down an academic route and it has seemed a mistake to set these limits on an ever-evolving sector. However, in the Future of Jobs report 2020, it has been predicted that Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Specialties to be the second highest jobs in demand by 2025.  

With Ransomware attacks increasing by 170% within 2019-2020 alone, it is important to discuss the challenges facing Artificial Intelligence in this rapidly increasing cyber-security threat landscapes.  

The cons of using Artificial Intelligence 

Artificial Intelligence is, ironically, itself the con of its own design. The voice using software that we see in even home appliances, has been involved in several attacks. Specifically, impersonating people and committing fraud. This unfortunately is just the beginning of the offensive Artificial Intelligence, as technology advances, so will the Artificial Intelligence software; ultimately increasing the personalisation of attacks. The other fear is with the rise in Ransomware attacks, cyber-criminals designing malware that can ‘self-seek vulnerabilities and autonomously figure out which payloads are likely to be most successful’ 

So, should cyber-security be using Artificial Intelligence software?  

Even with this factor, cyber-security’s digital blind-spots are already vast in an increasing threat landscape, and now more than ever these skills are needed. The argument of offensive Vs defensive Artificial Intelligence software only brings to light the need for cyber-security defence systems to take charge in the advancement to protect themselves from attacks.

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