5 Effective Ways to Secure Company Data
Blog / 5 Effective Ways to Secure Company Data

Businesses and other organisations that operate online are well aware of the adverse effects that cyber attacks and data leaks can bring. In an environment where threat actors are actively pursuing the data of businesses, there are several preventative measures that can be taken to ensure that your data does not fall into the wrong hands.
Data Encryption
Data encryption is a means of protecting data confidentiality by converting it into encoded information called ciphertext. The encrypted data can only be decoded with a decryption key, generated at the time of encryption or beforehand. Data encryption is typically used in conjunction with other authentication methods to ensure that only authorised users are provided with decryption keys.
Data encryption should be used as a part of your organisation's data security plan, which should entail a comprehensive list of procedures and processes that are implemented to make sure your data is secure and what to do in case of a data breach.
Keep certain Data off the Network
Your company security plan should identify what data is considered to be most sensitive, this data should not be stored on computers accessible to the internet or other computer networks or on devices which can be accessed remotely. There is also something to be said for good old fashioned hard copies.
Identity and Access Management (IAM)
IAM is a framework of policies that ensure that only the right users have appropriate access to specific resources. IAM along with multi-factor authentication will make sure that only authorised employees have access to sensitive data. The implementation of these technologies will allow for correct identity mapping and analysing who is accessing data.
Password Security
As an obvious and easily exploitable security flaw, hackers love a password crack. If a password is compromised in any way all it takes is a few pokes and the hacker is in and your data is out. It really is important to improve password security practices by providing enhanced security training to employees. A lot of the time employees use weak passwords to protect the data in their systems, and end up making them vulnerable to malicious attacks. Your company could benefit from the use of a password management application. Some trusted password managers are Sticky Password Premium and LastPass.
Set Automatic Software Updates
Hackers love to poke around in the hopes that you’re using an outdated version of software. Older software that hasn’t been updated is easier for a cyber criminal to gain access to because it will contain security flaws that need to be patched and that are easily exploitable. That is why it’s imperative to update your software regularly, preferably as soon as the newest update is available. If you set the updates to happen automatically you can usually pick a specific time so that it won’t interrupt your work and you won’t have to do it manually either. A lot of time can be saved this way.
How can Securiwiser benefit your Organisation?
Securiwiser will run continuous twenty-four hour scans of your networks, website and devices to ensure that no malicious activity is happening in your systems. If a compromise of any kind is detected you will be alerted immediately and a full report outlining all vulnerabilities, risks and threats will be sent to you. You will be given advice on how to rectify the problem and who can help if it is not a simple solution that you can remedy yourself.
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