Artificial Intelligence a New Superpower For Cyber Criminals

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Artificial Intelligence a New Superpower For Cyber Criminals

What is Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning? 

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are two terms that are sometimes interchanged, but what do they really mean? Although Machine Learning is widely considered a form of AI it is designed to allow machines to learn from data as opposed to programming. Its use is to predict outcomes in the same way a person would recognise a red sign with white writing and know to stop. AI however is slightly different; it will determine the best course of action on how and when to stop. Simply put, Machine Learning predicts and AI acts. 

Offence vs. Defence 

AI will allow hackers to increase the speed and scale of their attacks as well as the sophistication. There is simply no way that a human being could counter an attack using artificial intelligence due to the evolving nature of its programming, in layman's terms AI will always be one step ahead. Only defensive AI can effectively fight back. 

Defensive AI can detect novel threats and generate a response to contain an attack in the earliest stages, saving networks from irreparable damage. 

Simulating user behaviour is one way that cybercriminals can utilise AI. They can prevent detection if they can blend in with the distortion; making their operations appear as normal user behaviour, making them undetectable to the human eye. Meaning that the only possible way to counter an attack is by using defensive AI to detect the smallest, most subtle suspicious behaviour.  

When using AI, organisations should assess how AI attacks are likely to be used against their AI system and develop a response plan and strategies to mitigate the impact.  

Top 3 AI Powered Cyber Threats 

  • AI Phishing Attacks - Typical phishing attacks are relatively easy for recipients to recognise however with AI powered phishing emails, recipients won’t be able to differentiate as easily as the emails are tailored to specific individual characteristics and circumstances. 
  • Malware - When a person downloads AI powered malware, it analyses the system to mimic normal activity. 
  • Data Poisoning - Data poisoning takes advantage of the main features of AI. Threat actors target a trained machine learning model to misclassify it. If the hacker has access to the dataset, it could “poison” the dataset and cause unintended triggers to associate, which means it could allow attackers to gain backdoor access to the machine learning model. 

What Can Securiwiser Offer to Your Organisation? 

Securiwiser will run continuous twenty-four hour monitoring of your devices, systems and networks and should any vulnerabilities be found a report will be compiled and delivered outlining what those vulnerabilities are and where your security needs tightening. Each aspect of your security will be graded so you can focus on the aspects that need strengthening.

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