Top 5 Cyber Security Risk Trends of 2021

Blog / Top 5 Cyber Security Risk Trends of 2021

Top 5 Cyber Security Risk Trends of 2021

1. Remote Working Risks 

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, most organisations had to shift their workforces to remote work quite rapidly. This posed new risks and is still one of the most talked-about trends in cyber security at the moment. Home offices are much less likely to have the levels of protection that centralised workspaces do, such as firewalls, routers, and access management run by IT security teams. 

With businesses rushing to remain operational, standard security procedures may not have been as meticulous as usual. This gave cyber criminals the chance to adapt their tactics to take advantage of security holes. 

With many employees also using personal devices while out of the office the lines between personal and professional blur, increasing the risk of sensitive information falling into the wrong hands. A distributed workforce means that organisations need to focus on identifying and mitigating new cyber threats, improving systems, and implementing proper security controls. 

2. Internet of Things (IoT) Attacks 

IoT provides ample opportunities for cyber criminals. IoT refers to devices other than computers and phones, which connect to the internet to share data. Some examples include smartwatches, smart refrigerators, and voice assistants like the Amazon Echo. It’s estimated that there will be 64 billion IoT devices installed around the globe by 2026, and remote working is also a driving force behind this increase.  

Devices like these change the cyber attack surface and provide cyber criminals with new potential entry points. IoT devices have fewer processing and storage capabilities than computers and smartphones. This makes it harder to employ security applications like firewalls and antivirus to safeguard them. As a result, they can become an easy target for threat actors.  

3. Ransomware Attacks  

Ransomware isn’t a new phenomenon, it’s been around for the past twenty years or so now however the threat continues to grow. Ransomware is an easy way for hackers to gain financial benefits, which is one reason why it is on the rise. Once again the current health crisis has allowed threat actors to identify new targets and increase the volume of attacks as well as the size of their demands.   

This specific threat is a heavy burden given the impact that sensitive leaked data can have and the economic drawbacks of paying the ransom. In 2020 the first reported death relating to a cyber-attack happened at a hospital in Germany. Staff were locked out of the systems, and unable to treat patients. A woman in desperate need of care was taken to another hospital 20 miles away but she didn’t survive.  

4. Supply Chain Attacks 

Supply chain attacks can occur in any industry from the financial sector to the government sector and they seek to damage an organisation by targeting less secure elements in the supply chain. Hackers will usually tamper with the manufacturing process of a product by installing a rootkit or hardware-based spying components. 

The attack on the SolarWinds Orion network monitoring platform compromised nine elite U.S. government agencies and around 100 private sector companies through a malicious update. The hack was believed to have been carried out by Russian foreign intelligence hackers. 

5. Insider Threats 

As many organisations continue to navigate remote working, insider threats are a growing source of concern. While it’s easier to believe that threats to cyber security remain external organisations shouldn’t ignore the fact that threat actors could be lurking among their own staff.  

Insider threats are users with legitimate access to company resources, who intentionally or unintentionally cause harm to businesses. It’s important to remember that insider threats are not necessarily caused by current employees, former employees, contractors or partners who have access to an organisation’s systems or sensitive information can also be a risk. 15% to 25% of security breaches are caused by trusted business associates and though this number may seem low compared to other forms of cyber incidents, it is an unaffordable risk that must be taken seriously. 

What Can Securiwiser Offer Your Organisation? 

Securiwiser is a comprehensive cyber security monitoring tool that will remain operative twenty-four-seven to ensure the security of your company remains in peak condition. Your devices, network, and website will be scanned continuously to ensure that no suspicious activity occurs. If any anomalous activity is found, you will be notified immediately and a detailed report of the incident will be sent to you. You will get advice on how to remedy the situation or where to turn if you can’t fix the problem yourself. You will also receive grades on each aspect of your security posture, so you’ll always know how well they are functioning and what might need attention.

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