How Will Quantum Computing Change Cyber Security?
Blog / How Will Quantum Computing Change Cyber Security?

What is Quantum Computing?
Quantum computing is the focus of developing computer technology based on quantum mechanics, which governs how nature works at the smallest scales (atomic and subatomic levels). Today’s computers can only encode information in bits that take the value of 0 or 1. However, quantum computers use quantum bits or qubits. This harnesses a unique ability by allowing them to exist in more than one state, a 0 and a 1 at the same time.
Due to their immense computing power, quantum computers are able to decipher patterns and relationships in extensive volumes of data. If applied to commercial sectors such as healthcare, the effects could be monumental. It would allow medical researchers to make life-saving pharmaceuticals available faster. It could even build better predictive models for forecasting the effects of climate change. However, despite the positive changes that quantum computing could usher in, it doesn’t come without risks to computing as we know it.
Possible Future Risks of Quantum Computing
Quantum computing is capable of performing large numerical calculations in microseconds, with the capacity to factor large numbers this could threaten the basis of public-key cryptography algorithms that secure many of our basic online activities such as secure communications, online payments, and numerous other online transactions. Though it is unknown when this threat is likely to arise, organisations should consider prioritising a review of their current cryptographic algorithms and start thinking about when to migrate to post-quantum cryptography.
Cyber security researchers are currently performing extensive research and reviews into the matter and selecting and improving dozens of different algorithms to substitute the current ones to prevent this possible threat. Quantum computing technology is still in the early stages of development and it will take several decades before it reaches its full potential, which allows for a window of time to improve current digital infrastructures to be prepared for the future of quantum computing
Post-Quantum Cryptography
Cyber security experts have been working hard in recent years to develop encryption that can withstand a cryptanalytic attack by a quantum computer. The U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is currently evaluating 69 potential new methods for post-quantum cryptography (PQC). Experimental quantum computers currently lack the processing power necessary to break any real cryptographic algorithms; many forward-thinking cryptographers are taking a step in the right direction and working on developing new algorithms to prepare for the time when quantum computing becomes a threat.
What Can Securiwiser Offer You?
Securiwiser will help your organisation to retain a high standard of cyber security by scanning your network and systems daily for any abnormalities. If any suspicious behaviour is detected you will be alerted to the problem immediately and advised on how to rectify the problem. If you are unable to do so alone you will be advised on where to find the best help. You will also receive grades based on the performance of each aspect of your security, so you’ll know exactly what parts of your security need tightening. With Securiwiser’s detailed reports, you will always have peace of mind knowing exactly what’s happening with your security.
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